Pendoodle (Hootie or Penn)

Pendoodle (Hootie or Penn)
Pendoodle (Hootie or Penn)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a book!

Read it again, live it again! Share the story with a friend. MissingDogBlog is a downloadable eBook available from Amazon for Kindle or from Barnes and Noble for Nook. (Nook has color photos.)
Don't have a tablet reader? No worries, both Nook and Kindle have free apps for Macs, PCs and all sorts of devices.
Please spread the word. It's still an emotional great read.


  1. I dunno. I'm torn. I have followed this story from the very beginning. Usually the first thing I would do in the morning was to check your blog and see if you found Penn yet. I can't imagine the nightmare you and your family have gone through. I would be a basket case if my dog was ever lost. I bawled like a baby when you reported that he was home. What a "feel good" story in an otherwise bleak and scary world. You and Penn have touched lives and hearts. you're "selling" the story in the name of making a fast buck. I dunno. It sorta cheapens the whole "feel good" feeling for me, anyways. Just my opinion.....

  2. Hey Gary,
    I see what you mean--in a way. So many people told me along the way that, "this should be a book." I thought I'd try; plus I felt that others who weren't along for the ride might enjoy the uplifting story as you and others who experienced it along with my family did. Trust me we are not making a whole lot of money on the attempt.
    Thanks for your input. Thanks for the support along the way.


  3. Sure, no problem. I was really undecided if I should even voice my opinion or not. I do understand where you're coming from and yes, the world certainly needs an uplifting story these days! I'm okay with it as long as that was the primary motive rather than profit. Hug Penn for me! Take care and best of luck to you, your family, and Penn.

  4. Yikes! They're turning on you already ;)
    I saw numerous comments encouraging you to put pen to paper all throughout your journey. You took a leap and did just that -- good for you Flint!

  5. Rachel, I'm not "turning on" anybody. I was merely stating that well, okay, I'll just say it......The guy should just be happy he got his dog back and not try to make a buck off of it. I know he's a budding writer and all, but still..... Anyways, if you had read the correspondences between Flint and I, you would have seen that I DO understand where he's coming from and I do feel that his e-book does have merit and value, and good for him for doing it. I just needed clarification as to what his motives are and I'm satisfied with the answer he gave me. And if he does make a buck or two, I guess that recoups some of the expenses incurred in getting Penn back. Bottom line, to say that I'm turning on him is unfair. Yes, you are forgiven......

  6. Hi-I read your story awhile back and wanted to share it with another family searching for their dog. Now that you are "selling" the story I don't feel right about being the one referring this family to you for fear that this will see it as a shameless promotion on my part. Perhaps you can contact them directly and, as a gesture of good will in their time of need, provide your story and search tips? They seem really close to finding their dog but he's been on the run for awhile now so will probably exhibit the same elusive behavior that your dog did. PLEASE help them!

  7. Hey Anonymous,

    I never really thought about that scenario. I tried their facebook page, but couldn't get to it. They can email me Perhaps I can be of some help; I certainly know what they are going through.


  8. Hi!

    My name's Tammy and I'm the Marketing Coordinator here at The Uncommon Dog. Your blog recently came to my attention as a part of our search for quality dog and pet blogs. I thought you might be interested in an info-graphic we recently created titled "How Dogs Became Our Best Friends!".

    If you love dogs, like we do, then you'll love this story. Recent scientific breakthroughs have increased our understanding about how dogs have come to play such an integral part of our daily lives. This fun and engaging info-graphic tells that story in a way that we hope makes it accessible and interesting to everyone.

    If you would like to share this info-graphic with your readers, please feel free to do so. You can find the info-graphic here: The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to, in some way, from your post.

    Also, definitely let me know if you do decide to post it because we'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages.

    Big Tail Wag!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator

  9. My partner and i was undecided easily ought to even style my opinion or perhaps definitely not. I truly do comprehend exactly where you happen to be via and also of course, the entire world certainly requirements a good uplifting account currently!

  10. Hi Flint!

    My name is Tammy. I'm leaving you this comment on your blog because I could not find another way to contact you. I hope this is Ok.

    I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "8 Tips To Keep Your Dog Safe and Stress-Free this Halloween". You can view it at FYI (in case you're not familiar) is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

    If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

    As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

    If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

    Big Tail Wag!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator
    Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com

  11. Hi Flint!

    My name is Tammy. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I just wasn't sure how else to reach you. I sincerely apologize if this comes across as spam, that is not the intent. With Christmas just around the corner, I thought you might be interested in our latest infographic "Are You A Doggie for Christmas Kind of Mom?". You can view it at (Preview) . FYI (in case you're not familiar) is owned by Yahoo!. It's a very safe site and won't hurt your computer. To download the infographic right click on it and Flickr will show you some options.

    If you like this infographic and want to share it with your readers, please feel free to do so. The only thing that we ask in return is that you link back to TheUncommonDog dot com in some way from your post.

    As a way of showing our appreciation to those who choose to share the infographic, I'd be happy to spread the word about the blog post by linking to it from our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. Just let me know that you posted it and send me the link.

    If you'd like to be removed from our contact list, please let me know.

    Happy Holidays!
    Tammy Sexton
    Marketing Coordinator
    Tammy at TheUncommonDog dot com

  12. this is really an outstanding experience we are facing. simply loving it. Lost & Found
